Freaky Spider!!!

I'm just going to be honest I had a spider outside my house that just freaked me out. I'm not normally freaked out by spiders, most of the time I let them be and know that for the most part they are helping to operate as pest control for the other bugs around my house. 

I wasn't feeling quite this way about this scary little fella. I say little but he/she was pretty big as far as spiders go. Sure not quite the size of the tarantulas that you get in the deserts of west Texas and Arizona, but I don't live there I live on the Gulf Coast! I just did a little research and I think I found it. It's a Yellow Garden Spider which is non-lethal to humans which makes me feel better, but if for some reason I'm wrong TELL ME!! It was hard to get a good pic so here is the best I could do. 

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