CORONAVIRUS: Helpful Tips & The Good News

At this point we are all talking about the Coronavirus and with the World Health Organization declaring it a pandemic there are some things we should all keep in mind. The first of these is to pay attention to where you get your information. It’s a sad thing that happens in this word, but there are A LOT of snake oil salesmen out there that will take advantage of our panic. There are only a few websites you should trust when it comes to the information you are getting about COVID-19. Here are the sites that will share the most accurate information.

The CDC's guide to coronavirus

The World Health Organization's guide

The FDA's guide

The World Health Organization's situation reports

• And believe it or not tips from Dr. Oz.

Now let’s look at some good news when it comes to the Coronavirus. More than 60,000 people have successfully recovered from the illness. The AP reports that those suffering from mild coronavirus symptoms typically recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe issues take three to six weeks to rebound.

The important part to remember is of course wash your hands, but you might want to step it up and work a little harder to keep your workspace clean. The reason you would want to keep your workspace clean is that new tests show that the novel coronavirus can live in the air for hours and on some surfaces for two or three days, according to the Associated Press. CNN has compiled the following workspace-sanitizing tips from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Occupational Safety & Health Administration.

• Wipe down your phone, keyboard, computer mouse and all surfaces you use often. The surface must remain wet--whatever disinfectant you're using--for three to five minutes to effectively work.

• Wash hands often. Ensure you're using the right method to fully cleanse your hands.

• Use hand sanitizer when you can't use soap.

• Avoid handshakes. Thumbs up gestures and waves will do just fine.

• Wash your phone. You can use a soapy, damp microfiber cloth on iPhones and Android phones; Apple says wipes are fine as well.

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