If you're from Florida then according to Buzzfeed you'll understand this stuff. Since I didn't grow up in Florida I'm curious about how accurate the list is. Did they get it right?
Here are the things I'm really curious about...
- You're used to seeing arguably "strange" things in the news on a regular basis.
- You know Publix subs are the only subs
- Your yard looks like an actual safari to out-of-state visitors.
- You know to check the front door and surrounding area for frogs, lizards and snakes so they don't get in the house.
- You know to look at the ground when you walk on grass so you don't fully step in an ant farm.
- You've been to Disney World... a lot.
- You don't find it strange that there are stores that literally only sell shells.
- You say "up north" when referring to traditionally southern states like Georgia and Alabama.
- You know the excitement of having a day off from school because of the hurricanes.
- You're more patient than your out-of-state friends when driving because you're used to old people taking their sweet time on the road.
CLICK HERE if you want to see the complete list. Then make a comment to let me know how accurate it is or what should be added to the list.