The Lex & Terry Show is an original blend of vibrant personalities and engaging conversations on lifestyle, relationships, current events, news, sports, pop culture, and opinion with a ton of edgy humor. With all that there’s regular contesting, give aways and guests from the TV, film, music, sports, literary spectrums as well. On the air since 1997, Lex & Terry bridge the gap between talk show and entertainment, creating an intoxicating lifestyle program that appeals to men...and yes, the ladies dig them too!

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Don't Bitch & You Can Be My Friend

Dee's Getting A McPhone

Who knew McDonald's was itching to get into the phone industry

A Listen Let Dee & Lex Have It At The Same Time

That's what she said? 

Ladies Men Have Gag Reflexes

In case you didn't know:

Loneliness Is Bad

But it's better than drinking alone? Or something like that

Fast Davey Needs 2 Work On His Act

Fast Davey getting the fast hook

Dee's Every Woman's Dream

I think they misspelled nightmare

Highlights for Identity Theft

This is how you steal someone's identity:

Looks Like A Used Maxi-Pad

Well you would know wouldn't you?

Can I Come Thru---I Got Some Pei Wei

Pei Wei or Peee Weee?