A lot of people now have a lot of extra time on their hands and if you are one of those folks that has always said when I have time I will learn a new skill. There are tons of free classes out there right now. I love to cook so my favorite resource is PBS, yes that's right PBS has a whole food site and some of the best cooking instructions in my personal opinion. Check it out HERE you might learn some new great dishes.
Some of the other things being offered out there are Fender will give you free guitar lessons. How about a new language? You can get that from Rosetta Stone. Some of the classes being offered for free can help you out with landing a new gig. Like learning to code, pretty sure I could use a refresher on that one, just check out freecodecamp.org. Now the largest resource I have found to learn new skills or just some fun stuff comes from the Ivy League schools! Class Central has tons of classes available. There are 388 classes so I'll let you search instead of listing them.