DON'T do these things at your next Holiday Party!

Save yourself the embarrassment and DON'T do these things at your next Holiday Party!

1. Show up sick.

2. Ask for food or a type of drink that isn't already out.

3. Be the last one to leave.

4. Get too drunk.

5. Show up early.

6. Be on your phone all night.

7. Talk about politics too much.

8. Show up without RSVPing.

9. Spill something.

10. Not bring food if it's a potluck.

The survey also looked at the most annoying things the HOST of a party can do. The top ten include asking people to mingle . . . cleaning during the party . . . getting drunk . . . rushing people out the door . . . and not playing music. 

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado